About Us

Hello, dear readers! We are excited to meet you and we thank you for your support of independent journalism. You might be wondering who is behind this news blog and why we decided to create it. You can discover everything about this by reading this page.

So, Who are We Exactly

Let us begin by telling you how much we appreciate the fact that you are visiting our humble little (for now) blog. We hope you become a regular after you read the first few articles that we published this week.

Now it’s time to talk a little bit about us. We are a group of postgraduate students and friends who met at university. Some of us study journalism and are currently working on our Masters’ theses, while others majored in English literature and History. All in all, we are all in the humanities and that’s how we met.

Our university made us take one class outside our major per semester, which is how we all met. It was interesting how sometimes the in-class discussions, no matter how apolitical in nature, would get heated in a matter of seconds. One of these discussions is in fact the reason we are doing this all today.

Why We Created This Blog

So, as we were saying, something happened one day in class that inspired us to make this blog. Nobody can exactly remember what we were supposed to be discussing that day, but we all remember a girl in our class saying “I can’t believe the Tories won. None of my friends could either, we all voted Labour.”

Not only did they win then, they won by a landslide. This confession sounded bizarre. Despite us having political opinions of our own, we were aware that many other people had differing ones.

We used to have a study group after classes and we talked a lot about the online bubbles that many of us lived in. Bubbles where you can only ever listen to people you agree with, which inevitably eschews your perception of reality.

This girl would have never said that had she not lived in an echo chamber. However, we can’t blame her. Nowadays, media outlets rely on people like her. These politics of rage and adoration bring them money after all.

It didn’t use to be like that though. People could politely agree to disagree and went on with their lives, which is hardly the case now. We believe this comes from media bias, which is why we felt it was important to create an unbiased haven where people can read news devoid of personal opinion and politics.

And this is how our blog was born.

Thank You

Thank you again for supporting our venture! Be sure to give us feedback to tell us how we did. If you suspect that something we have published is incorrect, don’t hesitate to contact us. Have a great day!