
Welcome, everyone! We are pleased to welcome you to our new blog that explores the most sensational news of the week. We hope you become a regular reader of our blog and that you like the news coverage that we offer.

We believe it is our duty to give our readers an unbiased and truthful account of international events of great importance to the public. Hopefully, you will find our reporting to be the embodiment of these values that we recognise as utterly significant for a news media.

On this page you can find more about this news blog such as type of content that we will provide you with. You can also learn more about our ambitions for the blog. Thank you for being here!

Our Intentions for the Blog

As already mentioned, we aspire for our blog to meet the highest criteria of online journalism. This means that our dedicated reporters would be unbiased in their reporting of events and would never hide even the slightest detail concerning a case of interest.

Otherwise, this blog cannot possibly exist. We cannot and may not deceive our dear readers who entrust us in bringing them a truthful account of the occurrences around the world. Moreover, none of us belongs to a political organization that we may be swayed by. We allow for nothing to cloud our judgement and get the best of us.

Although we are just beginning our new exciting journey, we already have big plans for the future ahead of us. We cannot dream of achieving the status of big news media companies, but we can offer you everything we have – our dedication to journalism and our love for freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

Revel in the beauty of these most important values in the free world and be sure to always support them and make your voice heard in situations where they are endangered. Join our humble group of open-minded journalists who fight every day for their right to bring you unbiased pieces of news.

What Can You Find on This Blog

By now you are probably wondering what type of news you can find on our blog. The answer is simple – everything. We are too small of a collective to pump news every second as our big competitors do, but we can promise you that the articles you will find on our blog meet the criteria we talked about in the previous section.

In this Internet age, news has increasingly become so fast-paced that you can expect to read a 1000-word article about an event that happened a minute ago. One American sociological research from 2016 revealed that most people receive their news online, and most commonly on social media.

This is how most media outlets generate profit nowadays – through clicks. This is why you can often encounter bizarre headlines that turn out to have nothing in common with the article they represent, otherwise known as clickbaits.

We really dislike this approach. It is insincere and it tends to divide people and unnecessarily enrage them. We also believe that the fast-paced nature of contemporary journalism inevitably affects the matter in question in a negative way.

This is why our articles will be “slow-paced”, meaning that we will let our reporters gather enough information after careful research before we post anything on here. There is no topic that’s off-limits, which we believe would inspire us to work harder, and to also have fun.

We will attempt to cover news from all over the world that we and the public find important. Still, we will also give you some more obscure news, which might interest you or even put a smile on your face.

Thank you for supporting us!